Birthday Celebration
It all started when I was in Thailand, scrolling down to see where Phil Wickham, my favorite singer-songwriter, was to be singing on my birthday. It just happened that he would be in Texas on that day, and only two hours away from where we live. Of course, it would be fun to go to his concert on my birthday, the only problem happened to be that I was in Thailand at the time, eight thousand miles away or so. Because it was an impossible dream, I didn’t think too much about it.
I love listening to Phil Wickham’s albums (currently, I have three of them). Not only are the songs beautiful, but also filled with zeal and awe for Christ, which I absolutely appreciate and love. It’s so awesome to just sing along, worshiping God. Definitely check Wickham out, if you haven’t heard of him.
When we were home a month before my birthday, the concert was reconsidered. But as we went to buy some tickets, they were all sold out completely. Knowing that we probably wouldn’t get to go, unless some tickets were up for resale, the idea passed from my head again. Eventually some tickets were being resold, but they were reaching outlandish prices. It just wasn’t going to happen.
Yet God is always good (so very kind), and my grandmother won two tickets from a radio station. Impossible. I can’t deny that God did it. God also made a way for us all to go! It was incredible. God let me go to Phil Wickham’s concert, a dream come true.
Once we got to the concert, I was mega excited and couldn’t believe I was about to see Phil Wickham in person. Brandon Lake and KB were also touring with him, so it made it even better. I feel like I can’t adequately describe the concert. You just had to be there. It was crazy awesome plus some. I loved every bit of it!

Now, all I can say is that God blessed me. I still don’t understand how He could love me so much. How He could save me, and also be a wonderful Father, who gives wonderful gifts, like this concert. I don’t understand. But I know that God is so so good. No matter what.