More Helpful Than One Would Think

              The farmer rocked back in his chair on the cool noon day. He lifted a cigar to his mouth, just as he spotted a man enter his gate.

              “Hallo! What ye be doin’ all da’ way out here?” 

              The man approached the porch. “Hello. Name’s Melvin. And you are Billy Beird?”


              “Well, I work for the government, and, sir, you haven’t paid your taxes for the last few years.”

              “Say what? I don’t be knowing whatcha are talking about.”

              “Sir, you owe the government quite a bill, and you are required to pay for it before the end of ninety days.”

              “ x’cuse me, I haven’t been working none since, so I needn’t pay any money to the government of yours.”

              “Sir, you must work to live, and also you need to pay the government the taxes due to it.”

              “I’m not so sura what you be talking about. I’s don’t think we can be friends.”

              “Sir, you’re not understanding.”

              “Dat’s okay, ‘cause I don’t be needa to.”

              Laziness, unclear communication, and poor connection need to be avoided as a Christian. Education can help to avoid these things, all the while giving extra information.

              When doing school, self-discipline is necessary. Getting up at seven or earlier every day is usually earlier than any kid wants to wake. When doing the work of the Lord, much discipline is needed. Paul says “…I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” (1 Corinthians 9:27). Paul keeps himself healthy as He serves the Lord, which requires much discipline. When we work hard and wake earlier than we ever wanted to, we are self-disciplining ourselves for the rigors of the real world and serving the Lord.

              Education also helps to communicate effectively. When we are educated, we can know and understand language and its meaning. With education, we learn new words and ways to convey information to others. Communicating clearly will assist you in sharing the news of the gospel. We can serve the Lord more fully when we can converse easily.

              Education can also help you reach and connect with people. One can connect with a history geek when he knows a little about history. One who does Language Arts can link to someone who likes to read. One who understands science and math can easily start a conversation with a scientist. Etc.. Knowing something that will build rapport with another will aid you in sharing about Jesus. Paul built rapport with the Athenians in Acts 17. Education can provide a correlation between two people.

              Education, aside from just giving knowledge, can help one to be self-disciplined, to communicate effectively, and to build rapport, all for the glory of God.

“Hey, Pete, how’s it going?” The store manager stopped him as he was restocking the aisle. “I see you are hard at work again.”

              “Yes, sir, I enjoy working hard.”

              “Why’s that?”

              “Well, you see, I don’t work just for myself?”


              “Let me tell you, sir, more about it….”

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