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No Hamburgers?

We dined at a fancy restaurant for lunch. Since they didn’t have hamburgers (something we were anticipating), we had to order some other Thai dishes.

We first tried this green curry dish. I ate mine with rice. The curry had pumpkins, chicken, and tasty vegetables.

Then, we tried coconut soup. It has a wonderful flavor which reminds me of Kao Soi.

This was my favorite dish of the day. I can’t remember the name of it exactly. It tasted a lot like Tikka Masala. Others testified that it had cinnamon in it, but I didn’t taste any of that.

Lastly, we had Pad Thai, which I think was a favorite among the group.

We had a great meal. Thank You, God, for good food. “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!” Psalms 34:8a.

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