
Back In Malaysia

When we first landed in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I had never dreamed of coming back. I had never imagined I would walk the roads, ride the subways, or even see the famous Petronius Towers again. But God brought us back there, and Iā€™m glad.

The airplane ride from Chiang Mai to Kuala Lumpur was relatively short, with only three hours of flight. We had a later flight, which I took advantage of to take this sky picture of the Petronius Towers. (Can you see them?)

As soon as I went outside, I recognized the peculiar smell of Kuala Lumpur. It was good to be back.

When I had first gone to Kuala Lumpur, we rode the subways, enjoying the experience, but little did I know then that one month later Iā€™d be back.Ā 

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