
Cooking While Traveling

Since you can’t always eat out when you’re traveling, it’s great to know how to cook. Today, I made dinner, which happened to be composed of frozen French fries and chicken patties.

So, what’s it like to cook when you are traveling?

Often all the cooking utensils are different than preferred utensils. Like just today, I had to use a fork instead of an tongs. We even had to hold our pots with cloth bags instead of a regular potholder.

The food might taste slightly different. Just because you bought chicken patties, doesn’t mean that they will taste like the ones you had back at home. So, expect that.

The cooking burner or oven, of course, is usually different from the what you are probably used to at home. So, be careful not to burn anything, and also be wary because it might take hour to cook something that would take thirty minutes elsewhere.

When traveling and cooking, you also should make sure not to use tap water in your cooking. It’s always a bit strange dumping bottled water into a pot for pasta, but it’s much better than tummy aches or worse.

And another thing to beware of is making sure that your food is thoroughly cooked. We tossed our patties into the oven for a couple minutes just to be sure.

I love to cook, and it’s only a tad bit more of a challenge when traveling! ☺

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