My parents bought me this lovely handcrafted drawstring purse. It so cute! Thanks, Mom and Dad! 😁
My parents bought me this lovely handcrafted drawstring purse. It so cute! Thanks, Mom and Dad! 😁
I was absolutely so excited. My exhilaration mounted as I stepped into the sweltering heat of Qatar. With a cool day of 44…
These are some of my favorite hairclips ever. They work really well. They’re some of the only clips that actually keep my hair…
So, guys, I did make a sticker, like I said I needed to in the other post. And it’s for my bottle. But,…
This is what I’m bringing with me for my first day of summer school! I’ll see how it turns out.
Today is the 182nd day that I have posted this year. Which means I have posted six months straight. Which means that I’m…
Less than three months prior to March 5, I was asked if I’d like to run the Fresh 15, a local race. Of…