Jesus Changes Everything!

As in many songs and inspirational speeches, they preach that you should change the world. Only One Person truly accomplished this task. From individuals to tribes of people to whole nations, Jesus Christ has changed countless of people, through His life, death, and resurrection. Jesus makes all things new, taking the old creature and making it a new being (2 Corinthians 5:17). No longer do we have to be slaves of sin but can become slaves of righteousness (Romans 6:18) through Jesus. He works in and through us so that we can become more like Him.

Jesus affects everyday individuals, changing their hearts to be more like Him. Jesus empowers them to carry out God’s will for their lives. We see in the story of the Apostle Paul that Jesus changes character, aim, and purpose. Paul, a zealous pharisee, who desired to destroy all Christians, was against God and His great purposes. But God, being rich in mercy, destined Paul for something greater. God opened his eyes to the truth when Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus. No longer was Paul threatening to demolish all Christians, but actively sharing the word of God to all people.

Numerous of times Jesus has changed whole tribes of people, working in the hearts of the people. One such tribe is the Motilone tribe. This tribe, located in South America, showed complete transformation. What was once known as a killer tribe later showed loving kindness to neighboring enemy tribes by sharing the gospel, the good news, which had changed them. Missionary Bruce Olson shared the gospel with these people and, after years of work, most every Motilone proclaimed himself to be a Christian, showing outwardly that the Holy Spirit dwelt in them because of Jesus.

Jesus has changed and is still changing whole nations, bringing revival to the people. In the ancient Roman empire, which was a pagan society, eventually embraced Christianity as their religion. After centuries of persecution to Christians, the Roman empire finally surrendered to Jesus. Jesus changed the people’s minds to follow Him.

Whoever you are, Jesus can change you, because He has the ability to transform individuals just like you, whole tribes, and nations. Are you willing for Jesus to change you?

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