
More On Fall

So, I have some good news and some bad news.

To start with the bad news, let me say that we had to take our Fall decorations down. I guess because the tots were playing with them. (But it’s okay, we still have our pumpkin coffee.)

Now, on to the goods news (drumroll) (yes, it’s really good news!). I went outside this evening and…(dun-did-da-da)… there was a chill in the air!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, it deserves all those exclamation points). There was the loveliest breeze I’ve felt in a long time. Isn’t that such good news? Say yes! (say yes, say yes, I really need to know 👨‍🎤🎵)(sorry, an inside song joke).

But you can share in my joy that there is a little bit of cool weather here in Texas (Tay-hus). Adios, mis amigos.

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