Sewing Made Simple
No, you don’t need a large sewing machine to make something. It’s simple. All you need is some needle and thread, plus the material you are sewing. Sewing simple things comes in handy when you’re crafting gifts for someone else. I made this small handbag for my little sister. It only took a few hours and was totally worth it!
The first step is to cut roughly the material into the shape of your design.

Then, I pinned it inside out.

I sewed each colors together. I chose this way because it seemed to add a firmer touch I was looking for, while other ways seemed to have thinner effect on the feel. Finally, I began the process of sewing the two halves together.

After I was mostly done, I added an armband to go around the top.

In the end, I had a simple, firmly sewed item great for gifting people with! 🙂 It was really fun and easy to make. (And only a little time consuming. But when you have the Lord of the Rings to listen to, it wasn’t too bad.)
