Cupcakes and NaNo
Finally, it’s November. As I said in another post, I’ve committed myself to this year’s NaNoWriMo. It’s nine-thirty right now and I don’t even have my first couple thousand I need for today (or any words for that matter). So, you know what I am doing after this. You ask how I would let it get so late before doing it? Well, I won’t say I’m not busy.
In fact, tonight we had a little celebratory party. Cupcakes. Eggnog. Sushi. Mac and Cheese. Tacos. Chips. And everything. So much fun.

But I’m not too worried about it. If I can’t complete my NaNo, it will be meant to be. But I really do hope to. Well, I’d better stop chatting and go get writing on my story.